So far in this blog I haven't mentioned anything about the new TV we're planning to buy when the remodeling is complete. Believe me, that is not at all representative for the thinking and research I've done on that topic, so here's finally some words on our future TV!
Hi-Fi Klubben held a seminar today entitled "What to look for in a new TV", and in the newsletter invitation I received a few days ago they also mentioned upcoming new TV's from Samsung. This was the first local information about series 7 and 8 I had seen, and they had even set the price for the various models, so I went there hoping to find out about release dates and other interesting information.
The prime candidate for new TV up until now has been Samsung's LE52-A656 (52" Series 6). It seems perfect, perhaps apart from not having LED backlighting, - and being a bit "thick". A review I read about the LED based version of Series 7 mentioned it's bad refresh rate, resulting in jagged pictures. Along with contrast levels, I consider good motion flow to be the most important features to look for in a new TV, so this was very disappointing to read. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the link to that review again now, and curiously this one doesn't mention this problem at all. Guess I'll just wait until a couple of other reviews shows up before I make my mind up about Series 7.
Anyway, Samsung is also about to launch the 2008 flagship Series 9, which of course will be LED-backlit - and based on the rumors I've heard so far it's supposed to be absolutely stunning. But there's always a drawback, and with Series 9 it seems to be the price.... At Siba someone mentioned the 52" (or will it actually come in 55"??) will get a price tag around NOK 45.000(!)
Fortunately, in between Series 7 and 9, we find.... yes, Series 8. According to Hi-Fi Klubben it will be for sale in about a month (which seem to time nicely with the revised schedule for when we can move back to our own apartment). Based on the specs it seems to be an improved Series 6, with one big exception - much slimmer! :-)
While Series 6 is 10.5 cm thick, the Series 8 is only 4.4 cm thick!! And the price seems to be affordable - so for now, Samsung LE52-A866S1W is the one we'll get!